Welcome to the Kodo Online Store. We offer Kodo CDs, musical instruments like the ones we use on stage and a range of original Kodo merchandise
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[Bachi/Drumsticks] For Okedo-Daiko Fuse-uchi (Upright Barrel Drum Playing) - Recommended by Kodo Taiko School(12056) 3,190 YEN(Price in Japan)/2,900 YEN(Price Outside Japan) These bachi (drumsticks) are recommended by Kod... |
[DVD] Kodo "Cycles" (20020) 4,500 YEN(Price in Japan)/4,090 YEN(Price Outside Japan) In “Cycles,” Kodo endeavors to capture the feel... |
[T-shirt] Kodo T-shirt - Kan (41146-41149) 3,000 YEN(Price in Japan)/2,727 YEN(Price Outside Japan) This t-shirt features a kan, or taiko handle, m... |
[CD] Kodo Anthology I(29013) 2,000 YEN(Price in Japan)/1,818 YEN(Price Outside Japan) “Kodo is always producing new music. We perfor... |
[DVD] Kodo "Warabe" (20019) 4,500 YEN(Price in Japan)/4,090 YEN(Price Outside Japan) This is the full stage performance of “Kodo One... |
[CD] Tomorrow Best of Kodo-40th Anniversary Collection(29012) 2,500 YEN(Price in Japan)/2,273 YEN(Price Outside Japan) Taiko amplifies the thoughts and hopes of the... |
[DVD] Kodo "Tsuzumi" (20018) 4,500 YEN(Price in Japan)/4,090 YEN(Price Outside Japan) “Kodo One Earth Tour: Tsuzumi” premiered in 202... |
[CD] Yoko Fujimoto x Kodo “Yume no Utsutsu-Tales from Sado Island”(29011) 3,000 YEN(Price in Japan)/2,727 YEN(Price Outside Japan) Vocalist Yoko Fujimoto is a founding member of ... |
[CD] Kodo - Mondo Head(21015) 3,080 YEN(Price in Japan)/2,800 YEN(Price Outside Japan) Kodo marked its 20th anniversary by approaching... |
[CD] Kodo - Irodori(21003) 2,990 YEN(Price in Japan)/2,718 YEN(Price Outside Japan) Winner of "1991 Japan Gold Disc Award for Tradi... |
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